Charity News

Alscot recognises the importance of charitable assistance and also how difficult fundraising can be and we are proud to work with local, and national, clubs and organisations to provide assistance. 

Our chosen charities for 2025

Warwick Cricket Club 3rd’s Team.

Charitable assistance, over recent years, includes; Orchestra of The Swan, Stratford Cricket Club, Shakespeare Hospice, Stratford Hospital Cancer and Eye Ward Appeal, Breast Cancer Now, Shipston Home Nursing, Warwickshire Branch of The Pony Club, Heart of England Mencap, Just Small Change, MS Society Stratford Branch, GWCT (Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust), Church of St Mary Preston on Stour, St Mary and The Holy Cross (Alderminster Village Church), The Children’s Society.

We implement a policy to support a maximum of three charities or organisations per year. If you would like your charity or organisation to be considered for future fundraising support, please contact us in writing providing as much information as possible. If your charity or organisation is successful we will contact you directly.