Parkland Restoration Scheme

It has been a project long-time in planning and planting has now begun.

We are currently working on a ten year landscape plan, for the outer parkland, which follows a survey carried out by Professor Tom Williamson, University of East Anglia, on the history of the landscape.  The survey identifies areas, such as the “Lynches”, and explains that in the middle decades of the eighteenth century this particular area of scrub and woodland was occupied by a detached ‘rococo’ pleasure ground, containing a circuit path and a number of ornamental buildings and structures. It is Emma's ambition to recreate and reinstate some of these historic features and in addition enhance planting across the 100 hectare park.

It is our intention to name a new tree, planted within the parkland, after each current member of the Alscot team that has served 10 years or more on the Estate.

On Tuesday 18th December 2018 we took delivery of the first load of trees from Hilliers in Hampshire and planting begun. The species include Beech, Oak, Tulip, Cedar and a hybrid Elm; Ulmus New Horizon, created and grown to be disease resistant. Elms in Warwickshire were a common sight before the 1970s. Indeed, the English elm hedgerow trees were termed the Warwickshire Weed. Tall and distinctive trees, the timber was often used as a substitute for oak, and was used for among other things chairs and coffins. Dutch Elm disease almost entirely wiped elms off the Warwickshire map in the 1970s, and savagely changed the landscape in places.

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